
Friday, January 30, 2009

no i don't have a problem

I laugh at Carrie's shoe obsession. I think its hilarious that women are so crazy about shoes. I am not crazy about shoes. I like clothes, home decorating things, but shoes, that's just ridiculous. They're just the things you put on your feet and not something you really enjoy.

I am in denial.

This week I bought FIVE pairs of shoes. Three boots, two flats, four out of five on sale at Target. It sounds insane right, in this economy, with winter supposed to be ending soon... but not a single one was over 20, though one came close at 19.99 and when I did the math, the total was $87.32 including tax. That's not even 1/4 of what Carrie pays for shoes and its certainly almost what some women pay for one pair. Sure they're not the most sturdy and lifelong guarantee types but I'm gonna wear them 'til they break.

Here they are: my week in shoes...

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