
Sunday, January 25, 2009

sometimes the cat wins

The dining area is the first thing you see when you enter our home. Since we have only one bedroom and have removed any sort of office related stuff from it in order to have the bedroom be purely the place where we sleep, read, get undressed and dressed, the dining area serves as both entryway, office and dining area. I solved the problem of the unsightly microwave and file cabinet by getting this tower thing meant for a printer and file cabinets which worked perfectly to hide the microwave and hold important paperwork in a neat little file holder sort of way. BUT there was still the issue of the unsightly recycling sorting station.

First I switched out the sorter to a white color so it would blend into the wall and then last week I'd installed a shelf made from a TV tray. I'd removed the legs, added some shelf brackets and drilled it into the wall. Then I used a tablecloth and covered the shelves which hid the bottom where I put the recycling station. It wasn't perfect but it looked better than it used to and I was planning on getting an all white cloth to blend in.

LJ already jumped on it and it held so I didn't think much of it when Gadget leaped from the table to the shelf and CRASH. The shelf and all its contents came crashing down and sent both scaredy cats running for dear life and me standing next to a pile of unbroken pieces and four large holes in the wall. Well I guess that's not gonna work... so I undrilled the shelves, and the dining room went back to the way it looked which actually is better so I guess Gadget knew what he was doing when he took a stand and broke the shelf.

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