
Thursday, March 12, 2009

girl can dream...

We toured a condo that was for sale in La Mirada on Saturday. Is there anything more exciting for a girl that looking at a big blank canvas and dreaming of what could be done there? Four bedrooms, three baths, patios galore... Le Sigh... Anyway with the layout of that condo in mind I started decorating it in my mind and will continue to do so.

The first room/area is actually part of the livingroom. The arrow in my hastily sketched floorplan indicates what area I'm virtually decorating. They had a low hanging light fixture that was HIDEOUS and tacky and awful so I figured they must have put a table there and that's not a bad idea. A little round table in the livingroom where you could laptop away or pull out a boardgame and play. Since its off the kitchen, it could also serve as an additional dining area when you want to change the eating in the kitchen scene. Here's what I whipped up.
The table has to be round cause it would fascilitate movement to get in and out and around and I like this plain Ikea table cause its just a little bit modern and plain and you need that to play up the ghost chairs which just make it instantly elegant. Then I figured you needed something to put the games away when not in use and this little cabinet would fit them plus the top drawers could fit computer cords and such when you're laptoping. On top of the cabinet you could put almost anything but I think these frames (from West Elm, older so not in their online store no more) were nice and then put these grouped mirrors to give it a little bit of light and make it seem bigger and finally the piece de resistance, this LOVELY lighting fixture would just light up the place (many puns intended). Top it off with an antique silver pot and some roses, got yourself a nice little game area. Too nice maybe...

I can see why bloggers take time posting these things cause dang it takes time. Surfing, linking, posting, cutting, pasting, moving. Anyway, more to come whilst this girl dreams of moving on up.

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