
Saturday, May 16, 2009

tea shelf

Ever since I went to the Crown & Crumpet in San Francisco I've been thinking I wanted to do something in the kitchen I would call a Tea Shelf.
I began collecting inspirational images relating to tea, like vintageish sets...Tea and their accoutrement ...

And imagined a little shelf with accessories and some hanging cups... 
And using tea canisters decoratively...And designsponge made this shelf below: a guide to making your own little tea shelf. Well holy crap, I guess my ideas aren't that bad. I even have a cute little honey jar with that little wood honey dipper! AND my favorite tea is Twinnings Earl Grey. I need to get loose leaf tea though, it really does make the best tea. 
Matt even got me a book to add to my shelf by tea makers Harney & Sons. I love when he contributes. He makes the house home after all. I love him. And tea. And blogs. And love this print which I already own and will probably end up on that shelf too. Man, that shelf is getting crowded already...

1 comment:

  1. very cute. Can't wait to see yours! Sorry you have to wait another week for the house!
