
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

all i really needed were three days

I had been feeling that with all I had to do at home I would need a week to do it. I guess all I really needed were three days.

1) coat closet, done.
2) office closet, done.
3) garage, done

The garage part was a double whammy cause I asked Matt if he could help me move the cars so it would be easier to clean in there and he did one better. Pulled both cars into the driveway and WASHED them.

What a team.

A new furry member of our family has been gagging and has puked a couple of times so we are taking him to the vet today. I wake up every morning and hang with him, give him his pill (in a pill pocket which I highly recomend) and watch him. Still has not barked once.

-- mobile blog. spelling irrelevant.

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