
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

this is the kind of nerd that I am

I read a blog that's just pictures of products and their cool packaging. PACKAGING!
I totally buy things based on packaging sometimes like the Boots line at Target and one of the reasons I like fresh & easy's items better is because you're talking about this:
vs. this walmart branded stuff:
I mean come on, I don't care if the items are made with identical stuff, the Great Value might as well have a giant GENERIC I CAN'T AFFORD THE GOOD STUFF stamped on it. Just looking at that awful type and awful design depresses me. I'm willing to pay a few cents more to feel like I went all out for my family's food. Those people are thinking I know I'm poor and shop at Walmart but do I have to be reminded of it? Lie to me. Help me pretend I am getting more than what I paid for.

They need to step it up. Hear me Walmart? YOUR PACKAGING SUCKS!

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