
Monday, December 29, 2014

re-surfacing, barely

Last week was crazy busy as the week of Christmas does to one + add a baby and you got yourself some tuckered out peeps. Coming soon to this blog will be: Alice's 1st Christmas, HUOD 8th Annual B&W Christmas party, the birth of my niece, maybe the recap of a few year's past Christmas parties that I haven't recapped, Christmas decorating, and goals/wishes for 2015 (house & us).
Alice is going through some phase where she wants to be held a lot and kinda refusing to sleep in her own crib, the crib she's been sleeping in perfectly well for the past few months. We're in the magical trenches of this particular age where her development is a day by day adventure and it's making her extra needing of mommy and daddy. I'm gonna detail this whole ordeal because I like looking back on her progress through this blog, see how far we've come etc.

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