
Thursday, January 8, 2015

alice's first christmas

Since we were spending Christmas Eve night at Matt's parent's house, we decided to open presents just the three of us on Christmas Eve in bed. It was cute. Matt gave me a necklace with an A on it which made me cry, I gave him a beanie, and we let Alice "open" one of her books. 
I think that will be our new tradition: opening 1 present in bed as a family on Christmas Eve morning.
Last year for Christmas Jill had laid out a tiny little stocking since I was pregnant.
And this year, after she'd been working on it for months, Alice got her full sized stockings. I mean, nothing like grandmas right? They love like nobody does.
Speaking of grandma, she got Alice this awesome jumperoo that she loves. Assembling it was one of the funniest things I've done, it was such a funny fail.
Alice in Wonderland was of course, part of her gifts.
She got dressed up for our family gathering with Matt's side of the family and enjoyed being held by everyone that would hold her.
Our family's gathering was held at my sister Mari & her fiancee's new house.
Alice enjoyed being held by anyone that would hold her. Sensing a trend here.
She got some fun presents from her tias and tips.
She looked so cute in her little outfit.
It was very special celebrating with Alice, just putting her into all of our outings and traditions and all the family getting to hold her and gift her and it's just definitely been my favorite Christmas yet.

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