
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

alice is 5! and next month, gulp, kindergarten!

On July 10 Alice turned a ripe old FIVE years old. We celebrated at home and then on Sunday the 14th we had a birthday party for her at Chuck E. Cheese. Dude, those parties are worth it. They do everything for you! All you have to do is pay money and show up! Usually I'm all about party throwing but the gift of having someone else do it... worth it! And guess what, Alice LOVED it. She was so happy to have her family and friends around and get to play games and eat pizza. What could be better? And we got this killer family photo. LOL. 
Who is Alice at 5? Just the funniest. She likes to make us laugh. If a joke works once, she thinks it will always work and keeps trying it over and over. She lands one in 20 and that one that lands she'll milk until it's dry. She still has the most atrocious eating habits and her diet is ridiculous. She rarely tries anything new. She has about 4-5 ticks that we don't understand. We think it's her anxiety showing up in various ways. She wakes up and turns on tv by herself or helps herself to an iPad and plays quietly until the rest of the family wakes up. This is mostly during the summer since we're all sleeping in. She pretends all day long. She likes unicorns, Toy Story 4, cute things, and always wants someone to play with her. Remember how we thought her love language was quality time? We still stand by it. She just wants someone to pretend with her and interact with her. We try as much as we can to indulge her but we do have to get things done and work and such but we know this time is fleeting and give in to the kid. 
Next month she starts kindergarten. I can scarce believe it. We luckily got her into the school that we wanted her to be into but they told us it was full and then they told us it wasn't anymore! Big relief.

Our girl is so big. Sniffle. Time is a blur.

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