Sunday, December 23, 2018

ho ho ho... i guess

Well it's that magical time of year that results in... one burned out mother.

Now, I've just had a long day and I'm not in the best place so this is coming from a raw place but... pft, whatever.

I've been working pretty nonstop and then on top of that I was volunteering at our church with the Christmas decor. PLUS add to that parties, gifts, wrapping, and trying hard to make Christmas magic for the kids. I mean our days have been full To. The. Brim. Just now at 10:30pm I've wrapped my last gift for the kids and am drinking wine, eating cheese, watching The Golden Girls and trying to just... chill and unwind. Why do women do this to ourselves at this time of year. Is it worth it? SO MUCH WORK. SO MUCH MONEY. SO MUCH STRESS. SUCH LITTLE SLEEP.

Lemme just tell you, yes and no. No, because we don't HAVE to do any of that but YES because of those moments that justify the nuttiness like last night. We decorated Christmas cookies and I thought it would be fun to go out and give them to the neighbors as a way to spread Christmas cheer.
Alice was really into the whole thing. She would knock on the door and happily hold the plate of cookies and say "Merry Christmas!" We met a neighbor who lives alone and a few other people who were so surprised to see us on their door with adorable children giving out cookies just because it was Christmas. The feeling of Alice being so happily giving and how much she enjoyed it was almost worth all the Christmas induced stress.
She's been such a shiny spot this year my Alice. She's only wanted mama lately and she's been so sweet with me. But a butt to dad. But I've needed her love and affection lately. Even as the days have been so stressful and tiring, it's good to know I have my Alice who appreciates (most of) it.
And our Christmas church event stuff... well it's done now. It was very much enjoyed the Christmas decor. The event itself was not mine and it was a mixed bag. But my photo booth was cute.
The one unchecked item on my to do list has been "take family photo" and we've just not had the time nor the brains to slap on some cute outfits and attempt to pose with the Wally monster. You guys, he is so darn adorable. I mean, soooooo cute. But he's such a handful! Alice was so easy going and quiet and still and Walter Rey is NOT. We adore him but holy crap. HOLY crap.
Tomorrow we head to my sister in-law's and I don't have to do jack but get dressed and sit in a car so hopefully it will be a quiet day of family. I need that very very desperately.

Happy Christmas to all... and to mothers... a silent night.