Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Summer 2024... a new job... same view out my home window!

Posting about Summer seems to be an annual tradition so here we are... Big post.

The ironic thing about this summer was that when the year began I wasn't sure what work would look like so in an effort to save money we opted out of any summer camps and then I got consistent work. Of course. But big hurray I got consistent work! I worked for a few months with my old friends at Airbnb and now I've been contracted until the end of 2024 with a nice video game company to produce for them. Another remote gig! The view from my office is still my own backyard! Hurray.

Thinking that it was gonna be our own family camp and we'd be directing our own activities, I got us matching T-shirts for Camp Fredrich Summer Camp: Troop 91504. The shirts gave me an idea to throw an Outdoor Movie Night: Troop Beverly Hills.

The theme was 200% up my alley being a film about camping and also the Beverly Hills Hotel which is pink stripes and martinique wallpaper. I been waiting my whole life to throw this party. My Golden Girls obsession paid off.
We invested in a few items we've been meaning to own one of which was a full sized popcorn machine. Is it so fun and delicious? Is it so dangerous for me? All of this is true. But come on I throw an annual Oscar party and at least 1-2 outdoor movie nights a year. It's gonna be worth it. 

One of the things amassed over the years was things that were perfectly on theme like this tablecloth which actually fits over the outdoor dining table. Can't find it on Amazon anymore but this is the company that makes them. I've actually bought 3 (one for pizza parties, one with nautical stripes) because it's v clever with a zipper that makes it easy to put on an off with the umbrella hole and goes to 120". I'm glad I bought this when I did!
We setup a cute little photo op/play area that small kids destroyed within minutes but that's what it's all about.
And of course all the pink flutes and Rosé and more palms and flamingos.
And the cute little camp mugs and Evian water bottles natch.
After the party I leaned hard into my Troop Leader role slash LEWK and have been rocking a lot of beige and green. I outfitted us accordingly for our Route 66 / Southwest family road trip to the Grand Canyon / Phoenix / Las Cruces. We stayed at the Grand Canyon Railway Hotel in Williams AZ. Oh right, yeah so ok, you stay at the hotel and you take a train a few hours to the Grand Canyon (helps keep too many cars out of the national park) and Wally was beyond hyped about the Cataract Creek Gang. They put on three performances a day! One in the morning at 9am before you leave for TGC and then they rob you on horseback and board the train and then in the evening in the town they put on a 7p show. Hardworking bandits I tell you.
The Grand Canyon with our crew was... mixed. I was pumped to see it, everyone ooh'd and ahh'd etc but it was hot and Wally barfed and no one wanted to keep walking the rim. A mama tried.
Matt did get this pretty epic picture when I took a moment to marvel at this place. #newprofilepic. 
The next stop on the way to Phoenix was Bearizona which is a drive-thru zoo so the girl could see wolves. It was actually a pretty cool little spot albeit expensive!
A detour delayed us an hour to our next stop: Sedona. I am a big fan of Sedona. I've been now three times and each time a different time of year and different crew and if it hadn't been SO hot I woulda had our crew do one of the many awesome hikes there.
My friend Anna introduced us to one of my favorite places: Indian Gardens Market + Cafe in beautiful Oak Creek Canyon. We went twice on my birthday trip there and I made the family make the pilgrimage. If you're ever in Sedona, highly recommend.
Phoenix was insanely hot, shocker, but we spent the day with my sister and her family and went to a crazy place called Jake's Unlimited  that kept us cool and entertained for the bargain price of $25/person that included I kid you not: arcade games, rides, laser tag, AND a lunch buffet with spaghetti and pizza and salad and soda and ice cream. I'd dump my kids there all day all summer if I lived there.

At the hotel however, the kids did the one thing they want to do all day every day. Pool. Pool pool pool. Water. Pool. Goggles. POOL.
Our journey ended in Las Cruces which by the way the whole point of the trip was to drive the kids to visit their grandparents and stay with them for a week of VBS and Matt and I drove home to have a week off in L.A. God bless grandparents. Then I flew to El Paso to pick them up on Saturday for their first ever plane ride! They loved it. Though some of Alice's faces were pretty hilarious as the plane rose to cruising altitude. Here we are waiting for ice cream in Las Cruces. The only way to live.

Above here you can see I was faithful to my lewk for the trip and my favorite thing I bought were those off white high top Converse. How did I exist without them? Seriously they are so versatile and if you see me this summer, I'm rocking them. 

Summer is flying by... we have Alice's 10th Birthday party this weekend and it's also Camp themed and you know, our troop loves a theme. It's a Summer Camp kinda life! 🏕️