
Sunday, April 5, 2009

because matt went to a hardcore show

I was left to wander alone so I did what any normal girl would do and went to see if the Pier 1 in Brea had those glass carafes since they're on sale. They did not. So I went to Michael's in the same shopping center and bought some acrylic paint and I went home and painted some frames. I can see women making the mistake of thinking it would look good on a wall. It will NOT look good on a wall, it will look okay on little things, maybe even a side table but its just too bright. So here's what the frames look like now:I put that priceless print in the frame and looks like 10,000 times better than the other frame. Then I made up some print with a picture of a ghost chair and added the clever "friendly ghost" thing in there and the two of them make a cute pair.

Then I painted some crappy boxes I had and they will look very nice in my new office.


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