
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

hotel fredrich

A guestroom should be like a hotel room. With just the basics for people to survive and a few charming things unique to hotels such as:
a luggage rack
a plastic bag for a laundry service
tiny soaps, shampoos, conditioners
a map or guidebook of the local area
an ice bucket and some plastic cups
a personal coffee maker
a gideon bible in the nightstand
hotel stationery

When we move I'll begin to accumulate this stuff and build a mini hotel room in our guestroom. Most is gonna be easy to get but I think the Gideon bible will be more of a challenge. Maybe I can visit the Gideons and just buy one. Or maybe thrift stores have them. I dunno.

So with that in mind, I have designed stationary for our "hotel" guestroom and printed it on pretty resume paper that I bought when I graduated Biola so I could print my resume and never needed to because to get my job I've never need a to send a resume or sit for an interview (I know, I'm so lucky).

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