
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I was showing my client (more about him and his place later) a certain folding table idea I'd seen awhile ago in the now defunct Blueprint Magazine about my favorite small space makeover in the history of the entire planet... Its not just that the way they made the TINY apartment feel larger and more practical, it was the way they decorated it with beautiful, simple pieces and great colors. Honestly, if I were to pick an image of a room that would describe the decorating style I wish to have, this would be it:Seeing those pictures made me go, hmm... I bet that color would look great in my new office and they actually sourced it. Made by Martha Stewart (surprise) for Valspar it is called "Surf".I LOVE thais mantel. Its so minimal yet perfectly accessorized and placed them so they would look JUST right. I especially like that extra BRIGHT log holder whatever thing at the bottom. I think I may do this for our livingroom. Grab one of them log holders and paint it bright yellow. That would POP baby, POP!Well one paint color decided on, few more to go.

1 comment:

  1. One of my clients has paint samples taped all over her wall, mostly in crazy colours like purple and green. I think you two would get along.
