
Friday, May 1, 2009

packing & the guest bath

You may find this hard to believe but I LOVE packing and unpacking. You might even say that I'm passionate about it. It takes me a long time to do so but its cathartic watching things get neatly put away.I'm being more deliberate this time because I want to make the move as easy on our helpers and me as possible so I'm going room by room. I've collected stuff for the rooms over the past few months (mainly accidentally) and placing everything I think will fit in a certain room into a box.
Not just putting all the towels together but every thing I think may work in a room: decorations, accessories, frames, bath products goes into that room's box and let me tell you, its been fun. I can watch the room unfold in the box. The first room that's coming together in the boxes is the guest bath.
Mainly because I already own all the stuff I'm using for it but it has become a grey, black, lavender, white, acrylic, and white bathroom. The towels are grey, those little flowers are lavender, I saw a cutely decorated soap that just said HELLO EvY TAKE ME HOME. I have this square acrylic bath set and acrylic bath towel bar. The freaking room was starting to look to girly so I added that Samurai artwork that I haven't been able to use in our place and it sort of qualifies that criteria that hotels have art but this one's actually good.This is another room I want to paint grey and I want a large plain fabric white shower curtain instead of the current door that's there. And since we're doing that whole hotel thing, here's the hotel fredrich guestroom bath collection:

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