
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

come on in...

The entrance to the home, to me, is one of the most important parts of a home. It's where things can get messy, or where order can be restored. Where you leave your keys and where you drop off the mail. 

It can be a feast for the eyes with organization and beauty.
It can be used as a place to display some fancy goods you own (ha, like I own hermes..) while hinting still at their purpose, leave your stuff here. Make yourself at home.
I bought a little dresser at Goodwill that will be used for the entrance area, under the stairs. I want to replace the crappy knobs with some black ones and paint the top of it probably either yellow or light grey just to separate the white stuff on top of it from the dresser. And the drawers will work to catch our sunglasses, gadgets, receipts, and mail. The trick will be to remember where all that stuff is when we actually need it. 

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