
Saturday, June 27, 2009

goin goin back back to la county

Did you know that for the past year and some change I have been an OC girl? Our apartment was right at the other side of the county line. Up until then I had been a lifelong LA county girl so let's pretend that OC thing never happened and we can go back to getting regular AAA Westways.

Yesterday my work day was the longest most frustrating day. It was our last shoot day and it was supposed to have been a break from the first shoot day where we had a million things happening and we kept moving locations. Well yesterday was supposed to be boring an uneventful but of course there was a giant pickle thrown on the crap sandwich that was my day: the internet and phone service were patchy at best and non-existant at worst. It instantly complicated things. Simple questions answered by two second phone calls became ordeals. Everytime a call was dropped I aged a year or got another grey hair. I just wanted it to be Saturday at 6am... They really made me work to finally get to today: MOVING DAY.

Oh and also because we've been getting up early lately my body wakes me up at 4 & 5:30 and can't go back to sleep. And also probably cause I am very very excited. The cats, they just want to snuggle.

-- mobile blog. spelling irrelevant.

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