
Sunday, June 7, 2009

oh the other awesome decision

The in-laws have basically left the paint colors up to me because 1) they trust me 2) they can repaint later. Well we're trying very hard to avoid having them repaint and the one room my mother in-law (just like my mom, go figure) kept reeling back on was the decision to paint the kitchen walls grey. I've proven in images that it's a great color but somehow, not filled with warm fuzzies. 
After approximately half an hour of paint talk where we narrowed down what colors we're grabbing samples of on Monday to throw up on the wall, things had been locked down. But in my little binder there was this one image of a kitchen with white cabinets and turquoise/aqua blue walls, not the image below, and I asked, "Jill, what do you think of this one?" "EvY," she began and paused for dramatic effect, "I like it." And just like that, our kitchen will now be surf.
Trust me homies, the yellow and black and white with blue will look off the shizzle my dizzle.

1 comment:

  1. Man!! I know it'll look great, but I did really like the grey wall look. The surf is a nice colour, though...
