
Thursday, June 4, 2009

the state of my home

Packing station: complete with hammer to remove nails, all purpose spray to wipe down picture frames and furniture, painter's tape to fasten together boxes within boxes, yellow pages to rip out and stuff into fragile boxes, and of course the packing tape gun. 
I moved the dining table out of the dining area and started piling boxes about a month ago. This is where it is right now. I almost fear showing it because it might turn off potential helpers. It looks like our move in date has been pushed back yet again. The packing part, it's not a chore, it's fun, really. The not knowing WHEN we're actually moving, that is frustrating beyond belief.
At least someone is enjoying themselves and all the boxes.
Though I have heard that moving around a cat's environment is very frustrating to them since cats don't like change. Boy are they in for a shock when we move to the new place.

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