
Thursday, June 18, 2009

trunk trunk what what

Can you believe that this:
Fit into this:
Tonight after work, with thirty minutes before the loading dock closed, I went to West Elm to buy THE DESK I've been lusting after for many moons:
There were some good signs along the way. Most miraculously of all was that in Santa Monica, on 4th St, I found a metered parking lot RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE STORE. And it had 23 minutes left on the meter. Of course the fact that even when one of the employees said "It's not gonna fit" and it did, that pretty much points to it being from God. The other good sign was that I found these beautiful puppies marked down:
I'm filling it with pens and something else and it's going to go on my beautiful new desk. Oh and the other good sign was that while driving home, the radio played Bohemian Rhapsody.

Scaramouche,scaramouche will you do the fandango?

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