
Tuesday, June 23, 2009

woke up

Woke up this morning with an idea. Seriously, I didn't know people could just have a good idea as soon as they wake up. I have this square bowl that I love and bought and never found a use for. I think I have one now. I want to use it for mail on top of this little dresser under the stairs. That frame above it, right now it's a yellow mirror but I think I can make it a black corkboard easily and then hang a key ring under it for our keys and we'll have a little station where we can put up stuff on a cork board, drop our keys, our mail, the drawers, who knows what could go in there! Wallets! Sunglasses! Letters! Souvenirs! Junk!
Forgive my hastily put together mock up, I am supposed to be doing a million other work things but I had an idea and it needed to get out there. The bowl in the picture looks nothing like the one I have, I just needed a square bowl to demonstrate.

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