
Saturday, July 11, 2009

we found him, now we wait

Matt and I are #1 on the waiting list for an adolescent male german shepard mix from Downey SEEACA #10-01076 aka this guy:
Legally we have to wait five days for its owners, if he has any, to pick him up but if they do not, he's ours.

He was in a pen with two other loud barking labs way in the back when Matt spotted him after the other dogs just weren't right. We called him and he came to us after making a hilarious, annoyed face when the dogs kept obnoxiously barking and waging their tail in his face (that's my boy!) and sat by us near the gate and didn't bark, didn't lick, just sat and let us pet him.

Speaking of shelters, you guys ever been? It's depressing. I mean, it's a happy occasion, knowing what you're going to do (saving a life) but dude I was not prepared for the dog poop, the sick dogs, the depressing faces, dogs pressed up against cramped pens, mad barking, and ugh, the smell. As I turned the curve, trying to keep my commitment phobia in check, yes, I am married but I am a total commitment phobe, I couldn't help but think of families dropping their dog there because they couldn't keep it anymore. Maybe they lost their house, maybe someone in their family was allergic, maybe they just decided they were not dog people. And when they would walk by, wheeling a cart with animals in crates, I hoped they were not heading to their death.

There is a lot of potential for a good story there, and that's all you can ask for. To be able to say, you were an orphan and we adopted you, you are ours now. And you know what, if this dog's family shows up and claims him, I will be really sad but really happy that he has a home.

Still, on Wednesday at 10:30am Matt will be waiting in Downey to take him home. We bought a leash, a collar, some doggy toys, a doggy poop clean up baggie thing, and some kibble.
Stay tuned..

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