
Friday, July 24, 2009

granny panties & sparkly dangles

We're going to a wedding in a few weeks. I have a purple dress I want to wear and was rummaging through my jewelry looking for good earrings for the dress. There was a pair that once upon a time I must have loved but now they were too Spanish dancer esque. Ole!

Hence this:
Easy really. Used the pliers to remove the extra dangly jewels to the right and was voila, a simpler looking earring to the left. You'd think this project means I like to save money and you'd be wrong. The past week has been too much shopping. Must quit.
Back to the aforementioned purple dress. Or more importantly me IN the aforementioned dress. Ahem. Since I've been married I have gained 10 pounds. Ten pounds you say, ha, I could do that in a weekend. Don't try to make me feel better.

And while I am working on the slimming down part, I must give a shout out to these suckers that I read about on another blog to wear while you are in the process of slimming down.
No, not Spanx, these are ASSETS by the same chick that made Spanx. Suckers look ridiculous on and I feel like Bridget Jones with giant enormous granny panties but they work at sucking in those wobbly bits. You can grab a pair for your own at Target. And you can thank me later.

In private.

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