
Saturday, July 18, 2009

last to go in

The last things to go into the downstairs bathroom was the toilet and the sink. Arguarbly the
most important things in a bathroom... and now that it's in, the downstairs bathroom is complete!

To refresh your memory, here is what I thought it should look like:
Here's the final result:

1) I have already changed that nasty looking green soap in the soap pump to the neutral JR Watkins brand that smells good and is good for the urf.
2) The orchid, while beautiful, will surely die in there so I put in the bamboo until I find a suitable fake flower or just swap in the orchid when guests are coming.
3) I'd like to state for the record that I did not do a single thing for this bathroom besides give input on the accessories and color (designing it i guess?) George & Simon, who we hired, did the plumbing and electrical and drywall. Some other dude did the tile work. And my father in-law Daniel installed the beadboard (which was all his idea and a great one at that) and painted the place and put up the towel ring, toilet holder, shelf, and mirror. Matthew also helped with painting, hiring, paying, and all that.
4) It's a beautiful beautiful bathroom and I'm glad our guests will be able to pee in style.

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