
Thursday, July 23, 2009

yes master

The master bedroom caused me the most amount of paint color grief but I am happy to report the paint color is fantastic and I am very happy with the room as it is right now:
It is our nerd paradise. With pictures of Disneyland rides on display (above and below) and pictures of yes, Buzz Aldrin and his footprint on the moon by the window.
A giant sliding door window with balcony that we rarely use cause its too dang hot to go out there.
A girly side for me with the clock from Ikea I've been wanting forever and some cute lacy votive and bedside decanter and a bloomy orchid.
And since we have enormous built in bookcases downstairs, the ones in here are mainly for display which I have kept fairly bare cause Matt didn't want a bunch of crap crowding the bookcases just for crowding sakes, which I agree with.
I have uploaded more pictures of the room to our picasa web album: HERE

There are also pictures of the master bath in there, which by the way, fills me with a sense of extravagance since we have TWO SINKS. Who needs two sinks? I dunno, but I like it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey - I have that clock! I didn't know it was from Ikea, I bought it from this resale shop down the street for us. It is also in our bedroom, looking adorable on the bookshelf.
