
Sunday, August 2, 2009

dog day at the beach

On Saturday my sister Mari and I took Lebowski to the doggy beach in Huntington where dogs are allowed to roam leash less and free.

We outfitted him properly, packed his leash, water bowl, ball, lunch, water, and snacks for him and us into the beach bag and off we went.

Since he hasn't been with us that long I wasn't sure if he would be okay to be left off leash but Mari talked me into it and he did just fine. He'd come when we called him and walked alongside us. While we sat on towels in the sun, he stole the neighbor's shade. Smart dog.
He wasn't a big fan of the water but he chased me in and he got soaked.

It was the first time he'd actually spent time with Aunt Mari but he took to her right away and would come to her when she called. She even walked to the limits of doggy beach alone with him and he stuck with her obediently. Dogs know their packs.
You can't take your eyes off the dog for one second, it's like a child. But the water was awesome, the weather was gorgeous, and we had a great time. Next time, Matt will join us.

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