
Saturday, August 1, 2009

hack, banquette, excited, hack hack, ah!

I have an idea for the livingroom.
Uh oh they said.
It would serve many purposes.
This is worse than I thought.

While trying to find chairs for it, I was looking for images of our docksta table on flickr. By the way it retails for $149 and is obviously a rip off of a Saarien table- $1000. Do I care it's a knock off, heeeck no. It looks just as good for a LOT less dough. Anyway...
Behind the lovely table is this unsightly business. They're our kids and we love them for who they are but the litter box is well, UGLY.
Something I wanted to do for the litter was something I found on Ikea Hacker. A brilliant website for people using cheap furniture and messing with it to suit your life better. Here's what you see on the outside. Looks unassuming, neat, look closer.
That square is actually a kitty door that allows your pet to access...
A well concealed litter box that works to hide the box, lessen the smell, and trap the litter. A brilliant solution that I would love to rip off soon, probably before a certain party...
In my docksta inspiration surfing I found lots of images of it being used with a banquette. I haven't admitted this out loud but I LOVE banquettes like I love benches. Like I love diners. I love the idea of not sitting in a chair, of people just sitting next to each other like they would in church pews. I am so holy. Check this awesome example right here.
Guess what? It's another hack. This genius Eugene after which a future child shall be named. Not mine of course, just someone's child....
He used kitchen cabinets as the base, put it on risers, used some cushions for the back, some cushions for the seats, and bam, he got himself a beautiful banquette.
Since these cabinets open upward for storage access, I thought to myself, well, couldn't one easily place a litter box in there? Couldn't one put a little kitty door on the side to allow access for a kitty to go do his business in private? And wouldn't one silly home obsessed girl just be super duper happy to have a banquette and a kitty litter hide out all in one?

Methinks yes. What youthinks?

1 comment:

  1. Oooh, good idea! I couldn't have told you what a "banquette" was. I've always liked the one at Milena's folks' place.
