
Thursday, August 20, 2009

roses & ventura

I hate not sleeping next to Matt. We've been shooting this week and that means that I haven't seen much of Matt which sucks. It was made even worse when I shot one night so late and so far away that I decided it'd be best to get a hotel near the next day's location and not have to drive so much. The hotel was cheap and crappy with good service and I got some more ideas for hotel fredrich.
The next morning since I hadn't planned on staying overnight I went to Rite Aid to get some stuff I needed like socks and deodorant (I always have a toothbrush in my work bag). I love the trial size aisle of Rite Aid. Don't you? Everything's the same only smaller!
When I came home, Matt had surprised me with roses. I put most of them in this big vase:
One in this leftover oil bottle in the office:
And put a few right on my nightstand to make me feel loved:
I hope you all feel loved today.

1 comment:

  1. where did the fur come in?
    what a sweet man to gift you with roses and show he was thinkin' of ya!
