
Thursday, September 3, 2009

butter to my bread

Last year I read Julie & Julia. Matt got it for me from work and I devoured it like I devour the food it's about. It is the story of a blogger who in one year, cooks all of the recipes from Julia Child's Mastering the Art of French Cooking Vol 1. Julie eventually gets a book deal and the book interweaves her life and the life of her idol Julia Child. Eventually, tthe book becomes a movie starring the two best actresses around right now Amy Adams and Meryl Streep which I saw awhile ago and loved.

Julie Powell, the real one, was a girl who was lost and found a project that became the gateway to a whole new life. But it would not have happened were it not for the support of her beloved husband and eventually, well, you know.

Julia Child met her husband met while both were working for the government. A big woman meets this man, they get married, they move to Paris, and she can't decide what to do with her life. So she goes to cooking school, fully supported by her loving husband and eventually becomes the legendary French Chef.

Ali and Milena both commented that the Julie in the book is a real bitch, nothing like Amy Adams's Julie in the movie. If she were portrayed closer to the real Julie, people would have been unable to relate to her. Who can relate to a spoiled wife who seems to forget the husband and everyone around her and focus only on her problems?

Umm.. me? Possibly because I am a spoiled brat that sometimes forgets there are other people that matter did I find this Julie in the book so relatable. In the movie they have a fight and Julie's husband complains that he hates it when she repeatedly refers to him as a saint and an all around generally great guy while she is mean.

My husband is a saint and an all around generally great guy and I am mean. It's a wonder that we got our husbands to marry us, honestly. Sure, I can kick ass in the nice department and I've had my share of selfless and generous acts but who am I most concerned about 90% of the time? ME. I dunno what percentage of the time Matt is concerned with himself, I'd wager a lot less. And he kills me just how easily it comes to him. I have to make conscious efforts to think of him before me and wonder how he's doing, what he's feeling, what I can do to help make him feel better and special and loved and comfortable. It's not a natural instinct to tend toward the selfless, I'd wager to think there were others like me. I'm certain there's at least one.

For Christmas Matt gave me a special gift, a book that encouraged me to do something. I was at a loss for words when I got the book because it wasn't just that he gave me the book, he gave me the world. When I was writing my vows, I cried every single time I'd sit at the laptop to write them over the course of a few weeks writing them. Every time! I don't wanna say I feel lucky that we were friends and fell in love and got married. Luck, psh. But... maybe I do. What else could it be: blessed, gifted, shown mercy.

Our husbands stand behind us. Julie & Julia's success overshadowed their husbands. Why does that seem so remarkable? There are tons of women in history who have stood behind their spouses and no one thought it unusual. Why when there's some Paul Child's in the world willing to stand behind their women is it so rare?

There's a reason why you can't comment on this post. Your womanly tendencies will try to hug me and mommy me and be like "Oh EvY, no you're not like that, no, you're great and he's lucky to have you too." If you want to say that, then you weren't paying attention. Hello, GIANT EGO, don't need to be uplifted, that's why I can say things like that, that I'm mean and bitchy honestly and not worry about it deflating me. It's hard to deflate my ego. Damn near impossible actually.

But that boy makes me melt. Makes me feel loved. Makes me feel less like a bitch and more like a friend. Sometimes we get things we don't deserve, we get things we need that need us too. I cried during the movie and I cry now, big fat tears of self realization and true joy that someone out there loved me faults and all.

And that friends, is marriage.

That's love.

That's Christ.