
Friday, September 18, 2009

i believe they are our future

You know how we're all saying this recession is gonna affect our kids? Here's a great link where NPR went and asked kids what they thought of the recession (all the videos add up to about maybe 10 minutes, I saw them at work so you can spare it)

I know the recession has been really bad for the country but I happen to think we had been thinking about money all wrong and there's some good things to have come out of it. I mean listen to those kids, they know about debt and savings and interest. Will they actually use it in the future, who knows but they are thinking about it.

Our focus has shifted to savings and eliminating debt in this country, and it's about freaking time. Why must we learn the hard way.

Edit: Sesame Street is awesome. They made this little video to explain to kids about why their families are going through hard times:

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