
Monday, September 28, 2009

thrift store shopping with my pops

Dad & I went thrift store shopping the other day. It's his hobby/addiction and all the women in this store knew him. Hilarious:

The second place we went to was a store that was always known as "La Segunda de la Orange" and I finally found out that the name of the place is "Circle of Concern Thrift Store." It's weird but it doesn't have a sign outside with the name, it just says "thrift store"

When I was a kid I would frequent this aisle where they had bags of stuffed animals:

And of course would plant myself here looking for Babysitters Club books:

Dad is always easy to find, hanging out in electronics:

The store has a bevy of coffeemakers:

And boots:

And kids stuff:

And fine glass:

As a treat, I took dad to Jamba Juice, can you believe he'd never been?

A tiring day, but lots of fun.

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