
Friday, October 16, 2009

am i that predictable?

My mother in law knows me better than I thought she did.

She's a generous soul and usually when she travels I get souvenirs: black and white S & P salt & pepper shaker, a kitchen timer in the shape of a lemon, and black salad plates with a leaf pattern on them.

We went shopping and ended up in the shoe aisle (accidentally of course) and while in the size 8 aisle I held a shoe and I hear "EvY, these are so you" and look at her and she is holding the exact same shoe I am. Gasp.

Then she showed me this picture here:
It's my brother in-law holding our niece and pretending to feed her with a giant spoon at Pier 1.

I need a giant spoon, I think.

Or a fork.
She said, "I saw that and thought that was so you."

She is right.

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