
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

the room of leftovers

Once upon a time this room housed a beautiful drum set.
Unfortunately the wicked neighbors complained that my happy man banging on his drums was too much to handle.  Okay they're not wicked but I felt so bad for Matt. The room sat empty and unused and even though I tried to get us to use it by hooking up the record player, it didn't really help and the room was nothing more than a big closet.

Well, we got some news that perhaps we'd be having a visitor stay for an extended period of time and no not one of those things that comes out of a woman's bajingo. Well okay she did come out of a woman's bajingo but definately not mine. Actually she burst forth from my mother's womb over 20 years ago and she might need a place to stay.

So I put the drums away. Slowly, carefully, while Matt was at work. Sad.

Had my father and brother drop by after work to help me move the spare mattress in the garage into the former drum room to create yes, a third room with a bed in it furnished entirely with leftovers. The old lamps in our bedroom, old pillows from our livingroom, spare sheets and blankets. I also discovered that the mattress wasn't a queen (as evidenced by the fact that the queen sized sheets drowned the smaller mattress and had to be tucked away) but a full which works better since the room is the smallest in the house.

Old coffee table that we're hoping to use for a TV so our new visitor will be able to watch television since our downstairs set doesn't actually receive TV signals.

And I took this shoe rack thing out of the guest room and stuck it in here since girls tend to have umm.. shoes.

But I did leave a poster of a couple of hearthrobs to remind us that this room was meant to be musical and will now provide shelter.

I do, however, think that this room, regardless of who's sleeping in it, will forever be known as the drum room.

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