
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

the ridiculous weekend: part 2

After the doc and world market, Matt and I were upstairs chatting when the doorbell rang and our in-laws/landlords were there. We chatted a little and then Matt put some shoes on so he could help his pop bring in this GIANT box:
Which housed a new stove:
It is not "ours" per se. It's ours for now. The stove we had before was my mom's and she's moving and needed her stove back. So our landlords provided us one. Yay them!
Thar she is. The burners cook evenly! It is fancy! Shiny! New!
We went to Home Depot to get stuff to install the stove into the gas pipe and also picked up a new toilet seat (ours broke):
And a new showerhead so my 6 foot tall husband can shower without having to bend down like three feet:
It is now approximately 12pm on Saturday.

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