
Saturday, March 27, 2010

gardening beginnings

Friday morning before work I paranoidedly realized I hadn't watered my gardenia in a few days and so in my work clothes with laptop slung over shoulder, I grabbed the garden hose and sprayed my plants. Then at work I realized I'd forgotten to water my plants in the office, particularly my daisy that keeps reincarnating, and asked my dearest to take care of it for me and he did. I then woke up at 7am on a Saturday, from a dream where I had gone to Lowe's and purchased a bunch of plants and proceeded to plant a big garden. Everyone has dreams about buying boston ferns yes?
It might have had something to do with my newest purchase, this book, with its most unfortunate title but really cute looking cover that is an easy, gentle read. It's written by someone young and doesn't treat gardening like a hobby for the rich and retired. Not that there's anything wrong with that, heck it's my goal in life to become that person. She breaks down the basics of gardening and I'll probably refer back to it in this blog, along with their corresponding blog of the same name.
 It's ridiculous how happy the sight of a potted plant will make you. It's a living thing that depends on you and rewards you for your hard work. I can't believe a living flower is still alive since October in my home and because of it living, it encouraged me to go out and get more plants and flowers. The daisy in my office makes me happy. I mean, they are the friendliest flower.
I usually don't tell people what to do but I recommend, nay CHALLENGE you all to go out and buy yourself: a houseplant. Maybe it's something we can all do together and check in with each other from time to time, make sure each others plant is still alive. And If you're really really scared of killing a plant, grab a succulent, a cactus, or bamboo. Succulents and cacti survive in the desert so you probably won't kill it. My dad gave me this guy and he just needs water kept in his his cup and he keeps living.
 So tell me if you are up for the challenge or are already a plant owner. I'd love to hear what you guys have in terms of greenery or gardening experience.


  1. We have a house plant. Jesse's mom gave it to us. It's been in the family for three generations, for one simple reason - you only have to water it about once a year. Seriously. We've had it since Christmas, and you know how many times I've watered it? Zero. Thing is thriving.

  2. i'm currently trying to keep an orchid alive. i live in a dry desert... they live in the freaking jungle. it may be impossible.

  3. I tried my hand at orchids. Killed every last one of them. So I bought a succulent. I came home one day to find the dog had utterly slaughtered the poor thing. We held a funeral.
