
Sunday, April 11, 2010

el shower para mi sister (part 4-the outcome)

This is why I haven't posted much lately, so think of it as days of posting in one big post. In fact, feel free to read it over the course of a few days, I won't mind.

Let's begin with the ending. What my kitchen looked like last night before I woke up at 7am to clean it up Sunday morning.
Well I couldn't do it alone and Friday Liz and her friend Stephanie and I worked all day on last minute preparations. The girls cut veggies, I arranged flowers, then we took a break to go to Liz's doctor's appointment where they confirmed yes, it's a girl and I got to hear her heart and shed some tears (sucker = me) and then came back and worked some more until my reinforcement came from Mexicali at 10pm who liked playing with Lebowski, mom's twin aunt chela the master of all things party who is a party in and of herself.
We'd miraculously done enough prep work so that I had time to wait for guests to arrive and actually take pictures of the setup. That never happens!
I didn't set this up, chela did. It runs in the family, what can I say.
Yay poufy balls. They made it look party.
These freaking cupcakes went so fast. They were dang tasty.
I made them, from scratch, overachiever.
Liz and Steph spent hours assembling these bags, we overstuffed them and used up all the snacks and cookies I had and made SIXTY of them and they went QUICK.
I will never tire of seeing lemons and limes floating in pink lemonade.
Food was carne asada taco bar and everyone dug it. I did not pay for nor handle the meat but since we had a grill why not right?
The fixins went here, which I did not photograph once in place. Doh.
And look, here's me, with my favorite apron, before everyone arrived.
Games and sign in area.
Guests. Of all ages, genders, and races.
Cute kids.
Liz and her baby daddy.
Matt was amazing. He never complained when I sent him back and forth from our house to the party area, he was my hero. Looking smoking hot.
For the present opening we had a bingo game going which made everyone pay extra attention. It's a blank card and people fill in gifts they think the mother to be will get.
Benito came to collect the prize for his mom.
Here is the cutest clothing item she got she's holding in her left hand. Baby bathrobe. Dude it got an aww out of me. It's like 10,000 times cuter 'cause it's tiny sized.
And we took a cutesy host and guest of honor picture.
And of course, an exhausted host and guest of honor picture.
My siblings were an incredible help as well as their significant others. They set up and stayed behind to tear down. I split duties amongst them, drinks, ice, grilling, and they didn't hesitate, stepped right up to the challenge. I love this phase of our family of us as grown ups. I could write a post about that later, and I will.

1 comment:

  1. Cute party setup.. the decor was very fun!!

