
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

what's one more?

  Matt and I are throwing around the idea of getting another dog. I was completely against the notion because I practically hyperventilated over fear of commitment when we went to pick out Lebowski but I'm warming up to it since the dude is such a social being, I think it would be good for him to have a friend. Ali sent me a pic of this dog that eventually found a home and now I'm convinced we need a shiba inu or some other Japanese dog. Probably 'cause I took Japanese in high school and I've seen the movie Hachiko but look at that face!
One more critter for the Fredrich family?


  1. Make sure Lebowski meets whoever his little brother/sister is gonna be. I wanted a friend for Moses too (a very social dog), what he got was someone who literally chews at his ankles. I love them both, but I would have done things a little differently had I known.
