
Saturday, July 24, 2010

how IS that spending freeze going EvY?

So we froze spending for the rest of the month just to rest and recoup from a ridiculous amount of spending this year. Little things here and there, all added up to big bills we would have to pay twice in a month. But I'm gonna keep it real. How am I doing?

Things I bought on spending freeze:

Bought two tomato cages from Big Lots, $5. My tomatoes were falling over, it was very important. I qualify this under "food" since I will eat the tomatoes.

Spent some dough on presents for Matt's sister and her little girls and of course had to include my little girls. (COME ON, it was a Pink Floyd onesie and a onesie that said "My Aunt is My BFF!" Angie and Lyla totally needed it! BTW Target has cute band stuff for babies, I approve.) Matt also bought himself two t-shirts. I was thisclose to getting a Sesame Street t-shirt for myself as well but I wanted the smug feeling of oh no, you bought something for yourself, I didn't.

Met Ambre and Mary for dinner and paid. This one almost doesn't count 'cause a girl for sure needs a veggie burger from Lucky Devil's to survive.

Went with Ambre to see "In The Heights" and paid $25 for a ticket. Worth every damn penny. Parking at Pantages $10. Not worth a nickel but I was late and didn't wanna walk.
Bought the In The Heights soundtrack on iTunes. $16.

Spent money on parking meeting Mary and her BF for dinner. $5.

I think that about does it. Other than that I bought food and fuel.

Spending freeze mentality is very important. As I drove home on Friday after working all week at manager rate all I could think about was going to some store and spending it. I also spent that Friday about to click "check out" on online shopping carts for things I wanted. But no, spending freeze mentality prevailed. Instead, I made a list of things I'm gonna buy once the spending freeze is over.

Mind you, this is not to say boom shakalaka, once that this freeze is over I'm going nuts! I'm just going to PACE myself, which is something I didn't do before the freeze. I just went yes, whatever, I have doe, I will spend $100 here, $60 there.

Now it's, yes I really want and will buy the stainless steel pinwheels but I will buy them one week:
And the JLab audio headphones for my phone a few weeks after that cause Apple makes cruddy headphones and mine are peeling:
And then a few weeks after that I'm getting this guy:
Then in September, in anticipation for larger amount of Christmas party guests, Bjursta:

Bjursta bench:

Here's my trick though. CRAIGSLIST. Assembling your own furniture is fun and all but if some sucker already did the work for you and is letting you buy it cheaper? I'm all in baby.

I'll update you guys again on the freeze in early August. 

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