
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

and in this corner

The only John Derian for Target stuff I liked was not for sale in any of the stores I went to. So I did what I normally do. I went on (saves you 10% if you're a AAA member and use it to shop online at Target) and bought stuff that added up to free shipping. Can you spot them?
These came in a set of 8. Four went on the wall and four went here. Originally I was like, what do I do with the four extra plates I don't need? Solution. Gracias.
These dudes got hunged.
This plate got propped up.
This area looks a little I dunno, not colorful? Still in progress.
There's that table runner I wanted. It's so dang purty.
I went to Target in person and was heartbroken when a $6 turquoise trashcan could not be sold to me because it was stuck to a black trash can that no employee could un-stick. It looked like the one I blogged about by Jon Adler only round and you know, not a billion dollars. Sad face.

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