
Sunday, September 12, 2010

pretend interview with myself

I would be the worst interview ever. Things have to happen naturally otherwise I feel like I have to put on a show. So if I ever have to have an interview on my "style" ha ha ha ha, why would anyone interview me on my decorating style? I'm an amateur! So let's pretend some dumb dumb actually thought it would be a good idea to interview me.

What is your occupation?
I sell fried chicken to fat children via 30 second pieces of junk that pay the bills very well.

How do you summarise your style?
Modern? Ikea? Whatever I likes I buys. Oh I just read someone's interview and she said relaxed modern glamour. I'm gonna go with that. Oh and colorful. Is that a style?

Where did your passion for interiors come from?
Wooould we say passion? Well the for reals reason I am into interiors is that I moved a lot and always wanted home to be pretty so I was always into home decor stuff. Now that I have a house, it grew exponentially. Bonus points for using a big ass word like exponential! 

Where do you find your inspiration?
This is a stupid question. I'm not answering it.

What was the best and worst thing about renovating your own place?
I'll let you know when I have to. But I'm not DIY. I would rather pay someone to do something. I'm more of an idea person, I want someone else to get dirty. I only get dirty to clean my house. I like cleaning.

What are your favourite places to shop for the home?
Ikea. Duh. Target. TJ Maxx/Marshalls/Ross. I wish so badly I could say "Ebay" "Cragislist" or "Thrift Stores" but I am so lazy I couldn't be bothered to try to find something and them DIY it to make it pretty though I wish I was. I have been known to spray paint a thing or two but they never work out as good as they do for other crafty people.

What is your most treasured piece of furniture that you have ever bought, been given or found and why?
Oh please. I like all the furniture we own but nothing of it is particularly a treasure, anyone can buy it. But my freaking favorite item in my house has to be the fancy desk in my office. It's SHINY lacquer! SHINY!

What's your favourite room in the house and why?
The kitchen. Cause I make food in there. I also like to just walk by my office and look at it.

What makes a house a home?
This is also a stupid question and you can't con me into saying "my family" 'cause that's too easy. So I'm gonna say hand soap. Are we done yet?

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