
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

three meals a day

Something I've been appreciating of other women, especially women who stay/stayed home and had children is the incredible task of feeding your family three times a day. Day after day. Year after year.
The past five, count them, five weeks off I've had the pleasure/daunting privilege of feeding Matt and myself three meals a day. Though, ha ha, yeah right I cooked three meals a day. Mostly it was two and a takeout meal or frozen/easy making thing. Just thinking about where we were gonna eat if we were out or what to make at home was constant. Then if he was at work it was such a pain to think about feeding myself that I'd skip meals or have a cheese stick. Seriously, a cheese stick. Sometimes Matthew got a potato basil frittata or a summer squash pasta or a smoothie made of delicious fruits. And sometimes, he got cereal for breakfast, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, and Little Ceaser's pizza for dinner. Which incidentally, I made the mistake of checking the nutritional content on... trust me, you don't want to know. Instead, let's think of how dang tasty this smoothie was. Truly my best ever.
In our family we have the agreement that I cook, Matt does the dishes. It was a tradition I can thank Matt's parents for and it's an arrangement that could not be more perfect. I hate doing the dishes. Matt hates cooking. Hooray. So I make a mess in the kitchen making sour cream cinnamon chocolate chip cake (that was insanely delicious) and Matt cleans it up.
But, I find my task much more daunting. What's for dinner? And breakfast? And lunch? Dear heavens, how do we do it? Seriously. Women who stay home my hat goes off to you. So much feeding!
Ambre's grandmother Audrey, when she retired declared she was (for the most part) done cooking. They eat out all the time. I am 100% pro that idea and I'm planning on stealing it.

And eating out... that's another rant for another time.

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