
Monday, October 18, 2010

date with my girls

I told my sister to drop by on Sunday to visit and obviously bring Lyla. She told my other sister so they both came over and both brought the girls. Lyla is now 5 month old and Angie is 8 months old. 

"Oh I'm sorry, did you want one of these toys?"
 "Spatulas are awesome toys, thanks Tia EvY"
 "I wish I could eat that chocolate cake you're making"
 "Like my pink hat?"
 "I'll just use my mom's hair to hang on"
While Lyla is quietly enjoying her new skills of holding onto things, Angie is using her skills of crawling and general baby curiosity to their fullest. I forgot she was mobile so the remotes sat there taunting her. She went for them, pulling herself up and reaching for them.
Much to Matt's horror, she managed to grab the Xbox controller. I snapped the picture, sent it to him, and put the controller away. He said she was a cute gamer.
 Of course we took the obligatory baby in the dog kennel picture. Ha Ha, okay you can come out now Angie. Angie? Baby was happy in there, go figure.
Then she crawled over to the cat and did what all babies do when they meet animals. GRAB THEIR FUR. Gadget was very nice about it.
After he figured she wasn't gonna stop pulling he wandered away but that didn't stop her, she just followed him until he just sprinted up the stairs.
Then she discovered the cat's scratching thing.
She is an animal lover! Hurray! When seeing the dog through the windows she was doing that excited baby bouncing thing kids do when they're holding themselves up by the window. She had a funny way of showing it though... she poked the dog in the eye. 
I love the dog's face here. "Seriously with the kid crawling all over me?"
Here he's just begging for mercy. "Please help me."
Here she is in "her room". Well, the kids room anyway.
This picture makes me think this kid's gone from cute to just beautiful. Where the heck did the curly hair come from? Esther thinks it comes from my nana.
And of course we got some two babies shots.
We went to Fresh & Easy. Once you stick babies in the front of the shopping cart it was click click with the pictures. Damn are they adorable.
I wish I took pics of them in the doorway bouncer thing my sister brought. They were all about it. Mari, our other sister came by later as well. We drank wine, ate cake, watched Sex & the City. All in all, a pretty great Sunday.

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