
Thursday, December 23, 2010

b&w christmas IV: the kids

One of my biggest regrets at the party will be not having taken a picture of the kids table I made for the princesses at our party: Charlotte & Claire. I know how easy it could have been to just be a total jerk and tell their mommy hey, find a babysitter, your kids are out. But my family doesn't work that way. Kids are always welcome at events in my family. I've said this many times before but I just love how my family handles kids. We don't ignore them, we pass the babies around from loving arms to loving arms and let them run amuck. And I know I'm a huge OCD nut about kids touching and destroying my house but come on, they're kids. And these girls are my friend's kids and I love them as if they were my family. Which is why I've never excluded nor would ever dream of excluding inviting Michelle and her kids. They don't show only in cases of illness which is often since you know, they're kids.

So here's the only thing I took a picture of their table. I put up little pink hearts and right underneath them was the smaller square table that was theirs. On it I put plastic Disney princess plates and plastic goblets. On top of the plates I put a little felt basket and filled that with a Disney princess activity pack that had a coloring book, stickers, and crayons which they marked my table with (remember though, I said crayons. I ain't no fool) and a magic wand for each princess. So what's the trick with having kids at a dinner party? Relax. Make them feel special. Give them an activity. Buy their love with presents. Hide your remotes.
With the princess table I had my helpful elf Ambre wrap the gift for the princesses. In pink wrapping paper of course. "Is it fow me? Can I open it now?" -Char. "Sure but you have to open it with your sister." And in true proper princess fashion they opened it together and didn't squabble. Classy.
"Hewe Claire you pull on this end".
 "Was is it?" -everyone. "It's a princess house!" -Char.
Their gift to me was not only being very well behaved and entertaining themselves but posing for cute pictures together.
"Ebelen, can you come over here I want to tell you something." Char points at the Grinch Who Stole Christmas book. "Guess what? I have dis book at my house." Then Man-D read the story to her, not before I had to stop her before she mentioned my talent for making voices whilst reading to children. I'll be asked to perform all the time! Let's just keep that a secret.
BTW I think my Grinchy heart grows three sizes whenever Char says my name. Can't wait for my nieces to call me Tia. Even if we have to translate and explain that tia means aunt to the New Mexicans. Speaking of nieces, Ambre was carrying Angie and obviously Angie doesn't quite know her yet so she took one look at Ambre and then turns to look at me and gives me the baby arms. You know what I mean when they just reach out for you? For the cherry on top once I actually picked her up she leaned her head on me as if to give me a baby hug. MELT.
We let Char use the camera and she captured some truly flattering images of Matt and I.
 As well as a genuinely cute one of Ambre and me. Ambre and I?
The princesses got into their PJs and tried to keep themselves awake by running around.
And Claire left her comfort zone and allowed me to hold her for a picture. What a trooper.
Merry Christmas my little princesses. You're welcome every year.

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