
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

adventures in managing

Well I'm doing my second production manager job. It was funny I got called to coordinate and then the producer kept calling me a production manager so I was like well I guess I'm the manager. The past few jobs I've done have been basically a producer and myself splitting manager duties so I've been getting my feet wet with the managing and money thing. I am also getting inquiries into my production manager availability. I don't want people to get the wrong idea and think I'm a full blown manager yet. It's so weird, unlike the last time I am in no hurry to get a promotion, managing is a lot of responsibility.
On this job I got to do two things I've never done before that is reserved for managers. The first was making sure this form called an overage was completed and sent to the executives at the office. The other was this giant document called a "working budget". It's pretty cool to me because it's the most organized sort of spreadsheet you can ever imagine and tells you how much money there is for each line item that can present itself on a job (camera gear, lights, etc) and how much money we are alloting for each item. The working budget is done usually around the first shoot day and gives the powers that be a more accurate account of where we've spent money and where we anticipate spending money so you can see a bottom line of the total we expect to make or lose. It's interesting and fun for an OCD nerd like me. 

Anyway, the job's been very busy and so here I am just writing to keep my sanity. I'm going to bed now. I gotta be up early to catch the people in Mississippi.

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