
Saturday, January 1, 2011

first post of the year, house goals and stuff

Over Christmas I found the 7th book of hermajesty's at Marshalls for cheap so I bought it and now I own ALL SEVEN of Ina's Cookbooks. Don't they look beautiful together? I personally think color coordinating books is really stupid because- how are you supposed to find anything! BUT, I color coordinated her cookbooks because I know them so well I can just go to the color of the book where I know a recipe is. Also, there's only 7 books so organizing them chronologically benefits no one beside my OCD nature so at least the color can be enjoyed by all.
I want to take the cooking up a notch this year. Work on my techniques, chop faster, etc. And I have all those vegan cookbooks to work through thanks to my beloved's allergy. How funny to go vegan because of diet and not morality. 

Far as the house goes there's not too much I want to do with/to it. I want a new side table for the living room. Currently this is my favorite. I like it cause it looks like the desk I love and cause it has a drawer to hide the remotes from little hands and I'm into that bottom shelf where I can dump magazines I'm reading. There is a cheap version of this table that's like 99% cheaper but I don't want it 'cause it doesn't have that bottom shelf. This is one of the few times I don't want to go cheaper.
I also want a cabinet for the dining room that Matt says I can have for my birthday, yay. And obviously the whole master bedroom is getting a makeover.

Today I moved the little dresser under the staircase next to the door and repatched nail holes all over the living room. Aside from returning the house to pre-Christmas order I'm trying to stay in and be productive and not go out and spend any money. Christmas was really expensive this year. Yowser. Good thing I did all those jobs before the holiday that are paying for it. 

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