
Monday, February 28, 2011

the box

Well since I got lulu I was able to clean out all the stuff in my old dresser. Ah dresser, you were good to me you were, you held my jewelry and underwear for a few years and for that I thank you. My sisters got dibs on it once I offer it to them but if you guys are in need of a birchy Ikea dresser...
Since there was a lot of jewelry in the dresser, I decided to squeeze what I could in the mirrored jewelry box you see open in the picture above and get rid of what I certainly never use anymore. Well I didn't want to throw the stuff I didn't want completely so I put it in a shoebox and put it in the drum room.
Whatever for you ask? For my nieces. So they have jewelry to go with the dress up clothes that are already in there. Michelle, your girls could try them out next time they come (Christmas ish? or for Angie's bday?). If it's Charlotte proof, it's every girl proof.

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