
Saturday, February 26, 2011

fresh n easy i love you

These are the kinds of sick things yours truly gets high on. I put all the paper towels and cleaning supplies in one bag. 
It made me so happy, you could have given me a diamond ring I wouldn't have cared as much.
fresh n easy has begun making their own brand of "green" cleaning products. I was lazy and didn't bother to read the labels to see if their allegations were correct. Also, I just trusted them, they've proven in deeds that they try hard to stay earth friendly. I am a big fan of the name and the branding since I'm shallow and appearance matters. I try really hard to not use paper towels, we only use them when babies barf on you and you don't want to waste a towel on them. We saw Angie barf since she's sick: nothing is more pathetic and sad looking than a sick baby.
And the sight of these guys caused squealing that Mary can attest to since I was on the phone with her as I found them. Gluten-Free & Vegan Brown Rice Pasta. I bought four bags. I hope they taste good.
And this special touch just makes me love them even more than I already do. In order to get coupons you have to sign up as a friend of fresh n easy and they email them to you bi-monthly or monthly. The coupon comes on a PDF page that's just the coupon. Well fresh n easy is awesome and they realized they had all this wasted space they can use so they added a little shopping list to the top featuring their monthly specials of it and left you a few lines so you can add your items. How cute is that?!
If you don't already shop at fresh n easy you best get on that and start shopping there. And sign up for the monthly coupons while you're at it.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there Evy! Erin from the Fresh & Easy team here - just wanted to say thanks for the blog post! We are so glad you like our gluten-free line and our green things products!
