
Sunday, February 6, 2011

hey guys i'm home!

Absolutely zero reaction.
I've been in West Sacramento since Tuesday the 1st. We were shooting a commercial up there and my time was divided between 4:30am calltimes (the time I have to be on set) in a cold factory and sleeping in a hideously painted hotel room. All was not work. On Saturday I got to hang with one awesome roomie (she will forever be roomie) and her wonderful family that I've missed so. Post coming soon. Flew home Sunday morning the 7th and had my first ever airport delay due to weather! It was only 30 minutes. Hardly counts.

I am happy to be home and feel like a car hit me and ran me over repeatedly and then burned my eyes with a red laser pointer.

And don't worry, the dogs more than made up for the lack of reaction that I was home from the cats.

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