
Monday, February 7, 2011

i'm gonna go ahead and say it

Lonny is the most professional looking of the new wave of online only shelter mags, it has legit peeps that know what they're doing and studied and received degrees in the fields of their profession not to mention some acclaim for their work and the past experience of actually having been published. Not that people that weren't fully trained in something can't be good at it but come on. These people were paid big bucks for a reason. Publishing a magazine costs a lot of money for a reason. Are these online onlys really giving us the best they can give us? Even with limited resources?

I was happy when Lonny came out and now it's like there's a new online magazine every week! Which is cool but...

What if instead of 5 online shelter mags, they'd combine and give us one great publication in print?

Either that or just bring back Domino. Shutting it down created all these online shelter mag copycats that cannot be what Domino was. Just give it back to us like Fox gave us back Family Guy. Seth McFarland is laughing all the way to the bank and harbors no ill will. BRING IT BACK.

And while you're at it tell Martha to give us back Blueprint.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I did have to look up what a shleter magazine was. =)
