
Saturday, February 12, 2011

the saga this is the new tv in the office

There she is, a beautiful white HDTV in my office. The first complication began when it turns out the space I have to work with in the cabinet was a maximum of 13.5" tall and 18" long. Which limited us to practically every TV they had at both Best Buy and Target. I spoke earlier about wanting a white TV but had resigned to the notion since they were more expensive than the others. As luck would have it, this one was not and was the only TV that was the right size to fit into the space. Hurrah. But even before I had measured the space Matt dropped a big bomb on me. BIG.
The mother effing Wii does NOT play DVDs. Repeat. The mother effing Nintendo Wii that plays video games, streams Netflix, and allows you to browse the internet via wifi signal, does NOT play DVDs. &%$*@^! Which defeated the purpose of the TV in the office being both for Ally McBeal episodes and working out to the Wii all from one convenient device. So I thought, easiest solution would be to just buy a TV that's both TV and DVD player. Unfortunately we could not find a TV/DVD combo that would fit into the space. Ugh. So now it would have to be a regular TV and a regular DVD player. So Matt came up with a great idea as we debated just buying a cheap $40 DVD player.
How about a PS2? (Not to be confused with a PS3 that we already have).They play DVDs, they're $50 used, and that would make Matt happy, having another game system in the house. We thought it was a happy compromise. We bought it at Game Stop and it turned out to be silver and not the standard black which made me happy. Yay, silver! UNTIL...
Well the TV is a modern TV, meaning it's made for 3 HDMI inputs and one AV/Composite input. This is the part of the blog post where I've lost Michelle completely, or already lost her, who knows. The Wii does not output HDMI, only AV and the PS2 is old so it only outputs AV. TWO AV devices that need to go into ONE AV input. Matt made it sound so easy, well just unplug one when you want to use the other. But I thought no, there has to exist something that allows you to plug in two device into one outlet and there sure is. It's $5. Great.
Of course, now the beloved PS2 that Matt is so attached to and has purchased games for will not respond as a DVD player. Disc error. MOTHER EFF. If this keeps up, I'm gonna have to buy a DVD player that has and HDMI output and then move the PS2 elsewhere.

On the plus side, the Wii works great with Netflix streaming, pretty good quality both in terms of signal reception and in terms of quality of video. The Fit is up there and I've tested it and it works like a charm.

What a freaking journey. Which all would have been avoided if the MOTHERFREAKING WII PLAYED MOTHER FREAKING DVDS!!!!

Never underestimate technology's way of totally messing with your perfect plans for your perfect office.

To be continued...

1 comment:

  1. so funny! i actually stopped reading at all the techno crap until i saw my name as i was closing the page... you are correct in your assessment.
